Slack Mac App Electron

  1. Electron Mac App
  2. Slack Mac App Electronic
  3. Electron Mac App Store
  4. Electron Mac Store

Electron is an Open Source and free tool for building cross-platform desktop apps with JS, HTML and CSS, built by GitHub

It’s very popular and hugely successful applications use it, including VS Code, Slack, Discord and many, many more.

Electron is a huge project that revolutionized native desktop app development, by making it viable to be a JavaScript-based process.

Key Action / Focus the search bar: Esc: Focus the search bar and cleans it ↓ Select the next search result ↑ Select the previous search result: Enter: Open the selected search result. An ultra-lightweight Mac client for Slack. Goodbye Electron. An ultra-lightweight Mac client for Slack. Goodbye Electron. An ultra-lightweight Mac client for Slack. With, associated to, nor endorsed by Slack in any way. We respect their work and love their product, and this app just works as a browser, an alternative way to use.

Mind you: it was possible to write JavaScript-based desktop applications even before Electron, with other tools, but Electron made it much more mainstream.

And in particular Electron allowed to create cross-platform desktop apps. Before, there was no tool that could let you run the same app everywhere.

Until 2014, when Electron was released.

A quick look into the Electron internals

Electron is basically bundling the Chromium rendering library and Node.js (Chromium the open source project made by Google, on which they build the Chrome browser).

Electron mac app

You have both access to a canvas powered by Chromium, which runs the V8 JavaScript engine, and use any Node.js package, and run your own Node.js code.

It’s a sort of Node.js for the desktop, if you wish. It does not provide any kind of GUI elements, but rather lets you create UIs using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Electron aims to be fast, small in size, and as slim as possible, yet providing the core features that all apps can rely upon.

Electron Mac App

Which kind of apps you can create using Electron

You can create lots of different kind of apps, including:

  • regular apps, with a dock icon, and a window
  • menu bar apps, which don’t have any dock icon
  • daemons
  • command line utilities

A good collection of Electron apps is available on the official site: With Electron you can create apps and publish them on the Windows and Mac App Store.

The Electron APIs app

You can download the Electron API Demos app, which is an official sample desktop app built using Electron.

The app is pretty cool and it lets you experiment with several features of Electron. It’s open source, and the code is available at

How to create your first Electron app

First, create a new folder on your filesystem and into it run:

Slack Mac App Electronic

to create a package.json file:

Add this line in the scripts section:

Now install Electron:

Electron can now be started with

However if you do you will see an error telling you there’s no index.js file, which is what we wrote in the package.json file to be the main starting point of our app:

An Hello World Electron GUI app!

Let’s create an application that shows an Hello World in a window.

Create 2 files, main.js:

and index.html:

Now run again yarn start, and this window should show up:


This is a very simple one-window app, and when you close this window, the application exits.

Making app developer’s life easier

Electron aims to make the developer’s life easier. Applications have lots of problems in common. They need to perform things that the native APIs sometimes make a little bit more complicated that one might imagine.

Electron Mac App Store

Electron provides an easy way to manage In-App Purchases, Notifications, Drag and Drop, managing key shortcuts and much more.

It also provides a hosted service for app updates, to make updating your apps much simpler than if you had to build such as service yourself.

Electron Mac Store