How To Create Google Apps On Mac Dock

  1. How To Create Google Apps On Mac Dock Mac
  2. How To Create Google Apps On Mac Dock Without
  3. How To Create Google Apps On Mac Dock Settings
  4. How To Create Google Apps On Mac Dock Screen

Defaults write autohide-delay -float 1000; killall Dock. To get standard dock functionality back, use this command to return it to the default settings: defaults delete autohide-delay; killall Dock. This will make your dock take 15 minutes to open, which means it won’t accidentally pop up when you hover over it. We take a closer look at how you can customize the mac osx dock to make it what you need it to be. Simple ways of moving, removing, and organizing the dock t.

If you follow me on Twitter, you know that Google+ is my new tech porn. Google+ is the same technological marvel we've come to expect from Google apps, but the elegant but still simplistic design is a welcomed change from Google. I want to get used to using Google+ but I don't want to be conscious of keeping the tab open in Chrome. Luckily MooTools developer Olmo Maldonado shared a slick method creating a custom Google+ app without the need for Fluid, and you can place the app in your dock for easy access!

This technique would allow you to create an app for any website, but the focus of this post will be Google+. You could use for this, but the technique presented here allows for avoid

When you install Office for Mac, the app icons aren’t automatically added to the dock. To add to the dock, drag the app icon from the Launchpad or the Applications folder. The following steps demonstrates how to drag the icons from the Applications folder. Download the following Google+ logo to the Downloads directory of your computer: This logo will be used as the application and dock logo. Download and Execute There's an outstanding script available on LifeHacker which provides the user a trio of simple prompts and creates an app based on the input. Create a new document and edit it with others at the same time — from your computer, phone or tablet. Free with a Google account.

Grab the Google+ Logo

How To Create Google Apps On Mac Dock Mac

Download the following Google+ logo to the Downloads directory of your computer:

This logo will be used as the application and dock logo.

Download and Execute

There's an outstanding script available on LifeHacker which provides the user a trio of simple prompts and creates an app based on the input. Behind the scenes, copies Google's Chrome and creates separate settings paths (for cookie and history separation). With those created, an executable is created which opens the Chrome copy to the Google+ url.


Run the script from command line with:

How to create google apps on mac dock screen

The script will ask you for three arguments; provide the following:

  • Application name: Google+
  • Web URL:
  • Icon Location: /Users/{yourUserName}/Downloads/googleplus-icon.png

Now open your applications folder and you'll see a new app called Google+! Drag the app icon to the dock and now you have a Google+ app in your dock! The separate history and cookie pool is important so that your traditional Chrome install doesn't muck with your Google+ app's information, and visa versa. Have fun with Google+!

Using Google+? Add Mashable to your circles. You'll get the latest about new Google+ features and tips and tricks for using the platform as well as top social media and technology news.

As Google+ adoption continues to soar, one little annoyance is thwarting Google+ bliss: Dealing with other Google accounts.


Google+ requires a Google Profile — and right now, Google Apps users (people who use Google services at their private or work domain) don't have access to a Google Profile. That will change in the future, but for now it can cause some annoyances for users who have Google Apps accounts. Google does allow users to switch between accounts, but this process isn't foolproof.

There is a solution: Create a Google+ desktop app. Using a Mac app like Fluid or a Firefox extension, WebRunner, you can create a separate, buttonless web browser dedicated solely to Google+. This browser can then be launched just like any other app.

When Google Buzz debuted in 2010, we put together a similar guide. The steps for making a Google+ app are much the same, using WebRunner in place of the now-discontinued Mozilla Prism.

With Firefox 5 (Mac, Windows, Linux)

In Firefox 5, go to the WebRunner project page and install the extension. Restart Firefox.

Navigate to Google+ in your web browser. Under the Tools menu in the application bar, select 'Create WebRunner App' and fill out the box as follows.

How To Create Google Apps On Mac Dock Without

We used a desktop icon created by developer David Walsh, but you can use whatever you want.

Now you can launch and use Google+ from your applications folder or dock.

Mac Users With Fluid

The basic Mac app Fluid is free. For $4.99 you can get additional features, including the ability to store cookies separately from Safari — meaning that the Google accounts you use in Safari won't affect what accounts you are using in the web app — and the ability to use user scripts.

To create a robust Google+ desktop app in Fluid, follow these steps:

  • Download and install Fluid.

  • Open Fluid and fill out the settings as seen here. For the image icon, you can choose anything you want, but we chose this icon from David Walsh.

  • That's it! Launch the app and you will have your own Google+ instance.

How To Create Google Apps On Mac Dock Settings

To customize Fluid with more features, like the ability to use separate cookies (a must for Google Apps users) and to add a special userscript that will let you know when you have notifications, follow these additional steps. This requires spending $4.99 on a license to Fluid, but it can be used for lots of different sites.

  • Open Preferences in your Google+ app (from the main application menu, select Preferences) and go to the 'Security' section.

  • Fill out the settings as seen below.

  • Restart your app.

To add a special dock notification, we found this userscript from developer James Farwell. To install it, simply select 'Userscripts' from the Window menu in the application bar.

Then add a new preset and fill it in as so:

For the text of the script, just copy and paste James's code from

Google Chrome

Windows and Linux users can follow the instructions from our earlier guide:

To create an Application Shortcut, navigate to the page you want to access and then go to the wrench menu, select Tools, then select 'Create Application Shortcut.' Then designate where you want a shortcut to be created. Now, when you launch that shortcut, you'll be taken to that page.

How To Create Google Apps On Mac Dock Screen

David Walsh created a guide for making a Google Chrome app for Mac users. This takes some additional work, which is why I tend to use Fluid or WebRunner.